*Regenerative Cannabis. Create, Adapt and Flow with Nature’s Guidance.

Pure Farmer Blog

How to Make a Phosphate-Friendly Garden
by: Dragonfly Earth Medicine
April 22nd, 2015

https://hightimes.com/grow/how-to-make-a-phosphate-friendly-garden/ In honor of Earth Day, HIGH TIMES brings you another reason to look towards Mother Nature to grow better pot.

Grow Hack: Reuse Your Ice Water Extract Flower Dregs and Water
by: Dragonfly Earth Medicine
March 6th, 2015

https://hightimes.com/grow/grow-hack-reuse-your-ice-water-extract-flower-dregs-and-water/ Re-use your leftover hash-making material and sun leaves to feed your plants! Sun leaves, clippings and ice water extracted flowers

Grow Hack: Plant-Based Permaculture Layering for Healthy Soils
by: Dragonfly Earth Medicine
healthy February 19th, 2015

https://hightimes.com/grow/grow-hack-plant-based-permaculture-layering-for-healthy-soils/ ‘Plants feeding plants’ is the basic idea behind plant-based permaculture layering for healthy soils. You can create layers anywhere, even

How to Build a Geothermal Subterranean Greenhouse
by: Dragonfly Earth Medicine
blgnew5 January 19th, 2015

https://hightimes.com/grow/how-to-build-a-geothermal-subterranean-greenhouse/ High Times recently showed you Dragonfly Earth Medicine’s 15-foot plants in British Columbia; now check out how they did it!

Plant-based Nutrients and Healthy Microbes
by: agonfly Earth Medicine
sml_microbes September 1st, 2014

https://www.maximumyield.com/plant-based-nutrients-and-healthy-microbes/2/1097 Takeaway: Before we had synthetic fertilizers, all farmers used plant-based foods to grow their crops. Here’s how you can bring

Peak Phosphorus: another reason to look towards plants for nutrients
by: Dragonfly Earth Medicine
January 30th, 2014

Phosphorus is a important building block to all life. It is a mineral that all living things need to have

Microbe Manure, Synthetic Fertilizers and Breastfed Babies
by: Kelly Dunn and Josh Sarvis, Dragonfly Earth Medicine
mother February 12th, 2013

I am a home birth midwife, herbologist and my partner and I have spent the last 15 years homesteading. I