We are licensed caregivers located in the beautiful State of Maine! Providing clean, conscious medicine to all patients of Maine. We are focused on regenerative soil practices, while growing the highest quality cannabis, cost effectively. We strive to produce the safest medicine possible while maintaining a focus on the future of our planet. Everything from our farm is used as medicine, consumed, or returned to the soil food web.
Our friends, loved ones, worms, microorganisms, fungi, and plants all come together to make this family.
– Through careful genotype selection we have found all our genetics onsite, from seed.
Current strains being cultivated:
Afrinomicon (LA Confidential x Malawi Landrace)
Brian Berry Lemon Lime (Grape Lime Ricky x Brian Berry Surprise)
Dirty Little Secret (Dark Desire x Purple Mayhem)
Qookies (GSC Forum Cut x Querkle)
Closed Loop Practices:
– Integrated food production of vegetables.
– Polyculture growing techniques.
– Live raw tea brews and seed sprouted teas are our favorite!
– Myco remediation using king stropharia.
– Cover crop / Living mulch.
– Soil building / Recycled soils.
– Water recycling and conservation using Blumat irrigation systems.
– Chipper / Shredder use for all plant material to fill worm bins, compost piles, and